Jun 20, 2020Liked by Cyan Banister

We used to call you Pasta Peaches because you also loved spaghetti. You didn't like that one as much though. David got a kick out of it. Mom also had toxemia when she was pregnant with you, her nephritic system couldn't flush out the toxins - she swelled up like a balloon and turned yellow with jaundice. They wanted to induce her but every time they tried both of your heart rates would plummet. I did get to watch you being born but all I remember about that is looking at the nurse as they rushed you off to the NICU and asking if you were going to die. I was 5 so I really didn't know any better, it was just a question because I was confused.

And I loved it when Grandma called you Cyanna Danna...always made me giggle.

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I hated my name. Claudia. My grandmother called me Cloudia and for the longest time I thought i was name after clouds. Everyone at school called me Clod and therefore I felt like one. Always afraid to speak up because i was sure I was wrong.

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